E3live is a provider of all-organic superfoods, offering fresh-frozen products shipped via 1-2 day shipping to customers. We developed a number of noteworthy features for their website:
- Banner Management: Custom banner management system for authoring, editing, and rotating promotional banners with images, links, and text.
- Design: The first AspDotNetStorefront installation with native Bootstrap support, resulting in a visually stunning website.
- Emma Email Marketing Integration: Integration with Emma, a powerful email marketing tool.
- Exactor Tax Calculation Integration: Integration with Exactor, a tax calculation software.
- Loyalty Points: Loyalty point program for customer rewards.
- Limited Admin Functionality: Limited admin functionality for customer service representatives.
- Shipping Rate Customization: Customized shipping options for frozen goods, including all-frozen carts, dry-goods carts, and combinations of the two.
- Custom Content Structures: Custom content structures for testimonial and recipe pages, allowing for easy organization and editing.
- Migration: Successful migration of data despite a SQL server reboot mid-migration, thanks to our re-runnable migration process.
The final website is stunning, and we are proud to be a part of this project. E3live’s customers can now easily purchase their organic superfoods online with a user-friendly interface and a range of customized features.